TL-1 Meter test device

TL-1 Meter test device



Microprocessor controlled device TL-1 is assigned for quick “on-site” meter testing. Percentage error of meter and its starting current are checked. Easy maintenance and simple connection make possible checking of almost every induction and electronic meter, in one- or three-phase circuit. “On –site” test requires only disconnection of the meter’s current coil from “after-meter” consumer’s circuit.


Meter test device TL-1 has suitable ABS enclosure and a leather case, which make easy handling of device and its accessories. TL-1 is energized from internal battery or power network, from which tested meter is supplied.
In upper part of enclosure there is a socket with pin probes (or cables) and Neutral cable, ended with clamp for connection to meter’s terminal strip.
The socket for measuring head (for automatic uncertainty measurements of induction and electronic meters) is placed in bottom part of enclosure. The head with a stand is an optional accessory of device TL-1.
The device TL-1 is equipped with keyboard and LCD display for showing measurements results and messages.
In TL-1 memory are saved 12 mostly occurred meter’s factors, but user can insert any other factor.
Before start of meter checking, user should disconnect meter’s current coil from consumer electric circuit.
Current flow through meter’s current coil is forced by internal TL-1 circuit. This solution made possible elimination of additional device for meter’s load (e.g. so-called dryer).
TL-1 device enables meter testing with power about 1000 W, and measurement of meter’s starting current using step load (with step 5 W) in range 5÷65 W, what is 0.5% of rated current for many meters.


[su_list icon="icon: bolt" icon_color="#004075"]
  • no external power source, which emits a lot of heat,
  • quick connection to meter (disconnected only meter’s load),
  • display of percentage error of checked meter,
  • power supply from measuring circuit,
  • leather case for device with accessories.



Rated power consumption 3 VA
Power settings for meter test 5 ÷ 65 W or 1000 W
Current range with resolution do 10 A
0,001 A
Max. displayed measurement uncertainty -100 % ÷ +1000 %
Allowable uncertainty ±(0,5% of reading + 1 digit)
Operation temperature -5 ºC ÷ +40 ºC
Power supply (from measuring phase) 230 V, 50 Hz
Dimensions 250(190) x 95 x 45 mm
Weight about 0,75 kg

All questions should be directed to:

  • mgr inż. Zygmunt Pilny, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.32 237 66 70
  • mgr inż. Piotr Wziętek, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.32 237 66 78

Dane kontaktowe

Zakład Pomiarowo-Badawczy Energetyki
Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
ul. Świętokrzyska 2, 44-100 Gliwice
woj. śląskie, Polska

(+48) 32 237 66 03 (sekretariat)

(+48) 32 237 66 15 (centrala)

(+48) 32 231 08 70 (fax)

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UE ŚCP Europejskie Fundusze Strukturalne

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